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ROC800-Series Instruction Manual

Revised Jul-14

Input/Output Modules


4.12 Alternating Current Input/Output (AC I/O) Module


EMC issues restrict the use of the AC I/O module only to devices using

a PM-12 power module. You cannot use the AC I/O module in a device

that uses either a PM-24 or PM-30 power module.

Switchable I/O and


The module has one bank of six DIP switches on its daughterboard


Figure 4-31

), which controls the input/output status of each of the

six channels. Placing a switch in the ON position sets the

corresponding channel to output mode. Placing a switch in the OFF

position sets the channel to input mode. Dual-color light-emitting

diodes (LEDs) indicate the current status for each channel. Red means

AC source is being output. Green means the module has detected AC

on an input channel.

Figure 4-31. AC I/O DIP Switches

AC Discrete Outputs

In output mode, the module provides up to six channels for switching

discrete AC. Each channel uses a solid-state normally open relay rated

at 1.5 Amps. Any AC switched out is directly related to the AC

switched in. Using ROCLINK 800, you can configure the module as

latched, toggled, momentary, or Timed Duration Outputs (TDOs).

Other parameters report the approximate load, over-current

conditions, and AC input status. Discrete outputs can be configured to

either retain the last value on reset or a user-specified fail-safe value.


Figure 4-32
