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ROC800-Series Instruction Manual


Power Connections

Revised Jul-14

Low Voltage


The design of the PM-30 power module (like the PM-24 power

module it replaces) does not include the low voltage cutoff feature

present in the PM-12 power module. In the PM-12 module, when

power falls below the set LoLo alarm (a default of 10.1V), the module

ceases to provide power to the backplane. Thus, the module shuts

down CPU operations.

Remote Automation Solutions continues to offer the PM-12 for

installations requiring low voltage cutoff. Neither the PM-24 or the PM-

30 has the low voltage cutoff feature. However, if you need low voltage

cutoff, we suggest one of the following solutions:

Place a low voltage disconnect device between the ROC800 and

power source.

Placing a commercially available low voltage

disconnect device between the power source and the ROC800

provides the low voltage cutoff protection. Many low voltage

disconnect devices have user-selectable disconnect values for a

variety of voltages.






Figure 3-4. Low voltage disconnect device between the ROC800 and

power source

Place a low voltage disconnect device between the solar

regulatory circuitry and the ROC800.

Placing a low voltage

disconnect device between the solar regulatory circuit and the

ROC800 provides the low voltage cutoff protection. Many low

voltage disconnect devices have user-selectable disconnect values

for a variety of voltages.