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ROC800-Series Instruction Manual


Inputs and Outputs

Revised Jul-14

Restore to

Factory Defaults

To restore the ROC800 to

factory defaults

(that is, as the ROC800

was delivered to you from the factory without installed user programs,

FLASH memory contents, FSTs, DS800 applications, or

configurations) without connecting to ROCLINK 800, use this



Remove power from the ROC800.


Press and hold the RESET button on the CPU.



Use a small screwdriver or a straightened paper clip to press

the RESET button.


While holding down the RESET button, restore power to the



Wait 3-5 seconds and release the RESET button.



If none of these methods solves the problem, contact your local

sales representative.

6.2.4 Powering Up

If you are experiencing trouble with powering up the ROC800:

Check the wiring connections at terminations on the Power Input

module and the wiring at the power source.

Check the internal battery for voltage. Refer to

Chapter 3, Power



Check the external batteries, if applicable, for voltage.



If none of these methods solves the problem, contact your local

sales representative.

6.2.5 MVS or MVS I/O Module

If you are experiencing trouble with the MVS or MVS I/O module:

If more than one module is connected to the ROC800, use the

ROCKLINK 800 Configuration software to ensure that each module

has a unique address.

Reset the module back to factory defaults. Refer to the


Configuration Software User Manual (for ROC800-Series)


Number D301250X012) or the

ROCLINK 800 Configuration

Software User Manual (for ROC800L)

(Part Number D301246X012).



If you believe an MVS or MVS I/O module is damaged or faulty,

contact your sales representative for repair or replacement.