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ROC800-Series Instruction Manual

Revised Jul-14



Chapter 7 – Calibration

This chapter provides overview information about calibration

procedures for the Analog Input (AI) modules, HART module, RTD

Input module, and Multi-Variable Sensor modules (MVS and MVS


For the full calibration procedure, refer Refer to the


Configuration Software User Manual (for ROC800-Series)


Number D301250X012)or the

ROCLINK 800 Configuration Software

User Manual (for ROC800L)

(Part Number D301246X012).

In This Chapter

7.1 Calibration Overview........................................................................7-1 7.2 Calibration Frequency......................................................................7-1 7.3 Preparing for Calibration..................................................................7-2


Before beginning the calibration process, determine if the module is

used in a control application. If the module is part of a control

application, ensure the system is off-line before proceeding.

7.1 Calibration Overview

Use ROCLINK 800 Configuration software to perform initial

calibration or re-calibration of the inputs on the AI, HART, RTD, and

MVS modules. For example, you might re-calibrate after changing an

orifice plate in the meter run the ROC800 handles. You can perform

calibrations on sensor inputs from either orifice meter runs or turbine

meter runs.

The AI, MVS, and RTD calibration routines support five-point

calibration, with the three mid-points calibrated in any order. You

calibrate the low-end (zero reading) first, followed by the high-end

(full-scale) reading. You then calibrate up to three mid-points, if


The HART calibration routine supports two-point calibration. You

calibrate the low-end or zero reading is calibrated first, followed by the

high-end or full-scale reading.

7.2 Calibration Frequency

Remote Automation Solutions recommends that your organization

establish a routine—quarterly, semi-annual, or annual—pattern of

verification and/or calibration for devices and software that meets or

exceeds the API 21.1 recommended practices.

Establishing verification and calibration routines ensures not only that

your devices and software are functioning optimally but that your