Get exceptional precision and faster flow calculations
Monitor and control flowwith enhanced accuracy
Improve productivity and reduce cost with Flow-Cal integration
Full Control Capacity
- Execute a proving
activity, sampling activity, along with alarms
for leak detection and other ESD systems for
safety and environmental protection
Density Input
Temp and Pressure Compensation
Double PrecisionMath
Pulse Fidelity and Integrity
Flow-Cal CFX File Format
- A secure, binary format which retains
data integrity by ensuring the measurement data cannot be
changed or manipulated. Generating the file format within the
Emerson flow computer offers an additional level of data security.
Custody Transfer
- ROC800-Series provides
custody transfer quality measurement for
liquids and gas per the API and AGA standards.
Reporting and Printing
- ROC800 generates liquid
production and gasmeasurement EFM(Electronic
FlowMeasurement) reports; allowing you better
reporting consistency between gas and liquid
reports and quicker report access.
Operate & Manage
- Control motors, pumps,
and valves with multiple PID control loops,
incorporating overrides that can be used with
flow control.
Proving and Batching
- You can manage your
proving runs and keep track of meter correction
factors. The ROC800L can store up to 24
product meter factors. Flexible configuration
allows you to easily define batches that record
user-specified information.
Liquid Data Importation
- A measurement application that
automates the complex process of batch and ticket processing.
Data generated from the CFX file includes flow information,
CTL and CPL, meter configuration, and analysis.