Paths to Improved Project Execution: How 15 Companies Achieved Capital Project Success

Emerson’s Project Certainty approach is a path for transformational change in the way the process industries execute capital projects. Through 15 case histories, we've captured how companies spanning all industries and the globe leverages best practices, strategies, and technologies to deliver significant improvements on capital projects.

Expert Partnering
See how expert partnering strategies and early project engagement helped one company deliver 3 complex projects at once; another company saved more than $10 million.

Accommodate Change
Projects require flexibility and flexibility delivers big benefits to project schedule. These stories explore how companies leveraged automation to implement flexibility that made up for project delays outside the automation scope and met tight project schedules.

Reduce Complexity
Early project decisions have a large impact on complexity. Technology can be a key lever to reducing complexity. Explore how companies leverage project management and remote collaboration to reduce complexity and save time on project schedules.

Eliminate Costs
Modern technologies allow organizations to reduce footprints and costs. Whether by eliminating unnecessary hardware, reducing wiring, or reducing project hours, these solutions all drive significant cost savings that add up to millions of dollars even on small projects.